Bucks County Center for the Performing Arts

Social Media Posts for a Dinner Show

This summer, Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding will be held at Peddler’s Village in Lahaska, PA as a joint production. The luscious reception dinner will be made a served by the Peddler’s Village dining team. Social media is one area of promotion for this special date.

Social Media

Social media has its own requirements for promotion. Sliding through people’s feeds, the imagery has to grab viewers’ attention, and hopefully share some information in case they don’t take the time to read the text. Text should expand on what the imagery conveys, adding more details, a link, and potential hashtags.

These posts fit the bill with consistent branding and images switching between photos provided by the originator, photos from a past show, and headshots of the actors who will be in the upcoming production.

Brand Design

The images used for these social media posts continue the BCCPA branding all are accustomed to seeing. Viewers know when they catch a glimpse of the branding and logo that there’s a show coming up! It also establishes consistency with images changing for interest and excitement.

New Joint Production

With this being a new joint venture between BCCPA and Peddler’s Village, both logos are on all promotion. All contact information and links to tickets are consistent on all promotion. It’s the perfect partnership.

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Facebook Cover 

The image that goes at the top of a facebook page is representative of the company or person who owns the page. They need to be a specific size and follow through with branding. BCCPA’s cover changes based on the show or shows in production.

Giving Tuesday Campaign

This campaign for Giving Tuesday showed what donations are spent on to support the theatre. Images from past performances serve as examples.

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